A distance of 5-6 feet, distancing from crowded places, no group gatherings – that’s social distancing. Coronavirus is deadly; we all know that now. Social distancing limits your exposure to this fatal virus, and staying home adds to your safety during this pandemic. It slows down the rate of disease transmission in society. And, that’s the need of the hour. We need to follow social distancing to survive and expect a better future. Nevertheless, we all are missing out on our pals and dear ones these days. Social distancing is vital, though. But it can be quite gloomy not to see your friends or hang out with them, like those good old days. Fret not folks; we have a better way to connect you with your pals and have fun the entire day. Yes, that’s really possible! Online games are your retort to boredom and gloominess during social distancing. We want you to play games online for free now, train your brain, connect with your pals, and kill the tediousness during social distancing. Soci